Range Rules
As of Nov 2024
It is the members and guests responsibility to know and review all of the current rules.
Members must have proof of membership with them.
Follow TABK guidelines.
Use of eye and ear protection must be worn by shooters and bystanders within the shooting area.
Use paper targets
Practice proper range etiquette and be courteous to other shooters. Watch where your empty cases go. The shooter next to you will not like your hot cases bouncing off him/her or their equipment.
In case of Emergency:
Call 911
Range address is 9602 Berry Rd, WI Dells, WI 53965
Lat / Long 43.590 ; 89.8459
Contact Club to report incident (608) 253-7559
Rifle Range
No person at shooting range may:
1. Handle a firearm in a negligent or reckless manner.
2. Use a fully automatic firearm; aimed fire only.
3. Use BMG 50cal firearms
4. Be down range until the firing line is "Clear" by mutual and unanimous consent of all shooters, or an acting RSO. Is everyone's responsibility to make sure the firing line is safe before anyone goes forward of the firing line. Use of Red cease-fire lights is required.
5. Point any firearm in use at the designated firing line in any direction other than down range.
6. Fail to comply with a cease fire order called by the range officer or any other person.
7. Leave any loaded firearm unattended at any time.
8. Shoot at targets that are not placed in designated target area or affixed to target stands.
9. Shoot at items placed on the ground or at targets not posted at the designated target stands.
10. Unless otherwise posted, shoot during the hours of sunset to 7 am.
11. Fail to make reasonable efforts to ensure all discharged projectiles impact the backstop.
12. Place targets on top of or near the top of the berm.
13. Use any projectiles that discharge paint.
14. Use any incendiary, exploding, glass, tracer, armor piercing, or other breakable materials as targets. Steel Core ammunition is strictly prohibited.
15. Fail to properly dispose of targets other than clay targets used on an established range.
16. Fail to collect and properly remove or dispose of all spent shell casings, cartridges, live ammunition, targets, arrows, bolts, and materials brought onto the range.
17. While shooting at the shooting range, consume an intoxicant or other restricted controlled substance. Use of alcohol or controlled substances before shooting is also prohibited.
18. Shoot at archery targets with anything other than a bow or crossbow.
19. Use targets with real life images of people.
20. Quick draw from a holster.
21. Collect lead from range. (All lead belongs to the club.)
22. Collect brass from range. (You may collect your own brass you have fired for reloading. All other belongs to the club.)
• All shooters must sign the shooters log book located on the rifle range.
• Membership rules apply to all ranges.
• All Federal, State, and Local firearms laws must be obeyed.
• All ranges are to remain "Cold" until by mutual and unanimous consent of all shooters, or an RSO, they are declared "Hot". Handling, loading, and firing cannot commence until the range is declared "Hot".
• The Delton Sportsman's Club does not utilize any full time Range Safety Officers (RSO). We expect members to police themselves and to control the environment around them when an RSO is not present.
• "Ceasefires" may be called by mutual consent of all shooters on the line, when Red cease-fire lights lit, by an RSO, or immediately by anyone if safety warrants it. Any command of "Ceasefire" needs to be immediately obeyed by all shooters. All firearms should be immediately "tabled" and not handled until all clear is called.
• The Delton Sportsman's Club reserves the right to inspect any firearm or ammunition being used on the ranges.
• Cross firing of targets is not allowed.
• All firing must be aimed fire.
• You will be asked to leave if someone sees you not following these rules.
• All fired projectiles must come to rest in the "Impact Berm" immediately after passing through the target. Target holders should be adjusted to ensure this. No projectiles should contact the ground prior to entering the berm. Skipping or ricocheting projectiles into the berm is not allowed.
• All shooters are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. If you brought it with you, take it with you when you leave or dispose of it in the proper waste containers.
• The Delton Sportsman's Club Board of Directors reserves the right to modify or make exceptions (on a case-by-case basis) to these rules at any time.
RANGE RULES Definitions
Member: Is any member in good standing with the club.
Guest: Any "Non-Member" on club property accompanied by a "Member"
Visitor: Any unaccompanied "Non-Member" on club property.
Range Safety Officer (RSO): The Delton Sportsman's Club does not have full time RSO(s). When an RSO is present it may be a club officer, a law enforcement officer, DNR official or a regular member who has taken charge of the situation in the absence of the above. Regardless of who the RSO may be, his instructions and commands are to be followed for the safety and benefit of all shooters.
Firing Line: The forward-most portion of the shooting area, where all firing takes place.
Impact Berm: This is a raised earth hill and is the area where a fired projectile should contact after passing through a target.
Grounded Firearm: This is a condition where the firearm is unloaded, made safe and placed on the bench, in a gun rack, or cased.
There should be no human contact with the firearm when it is grounded.
Cold Range: All firearms are unloaded, detachable magazines are removed and actions are locked open. Please do not show up to the range with a loaded firearm.
Clear Range: All shooters have cleared the firing line, no firearms are being handled, and it is safe ("Clear") to go down range.
Hot Range: Firearms may be handled, loaded, and fired while at the firing line.
Ceasefire: Stop shooting immediately, unload your firearm (magazine out, action open and empty chamber) and make it safe. Ground your firearm and do not handle it. A cease-fire is called mutually when targets need to be put up, changed, or checked. A ceasefire should be called immediately, whenever safety is in question. Use the gate and red lights to institute cease fire.
Aim-Fire: Is taking a full second to aim between rounds fired.
Membership Rules
• Members in good standing are allowed to use the Rifle/Pistol range at any time during permitted hours unless the range
has been posted "closed" for special events.
• Active Military Personnel on leave may use the clubs ranges without membership and do not need to be accompanied by an active member. You are required to have your credentials and leave pass on your person.
• Members are allowed to escort one non-member (guest/companion) on club property and the guest may use the rifle/pistol range only while accompanied by the member.
• Visitors and guests are allowed to participate in trap and sporting clays, or any other scheduled event where a fee is charged and paid per event, while the club is open.
• Annual club membership is from January 1st through December 31st. Memberships will not be pro-rated.
• Members should have their membership card on their person and be prepared to present it, along with picture ID, when asked to do so.
• Any member may be expelled from the club, have their membership revoked, and be brought before the board of directors for: Destruction of club property (by any means); Poor Sportsmanship; Unbecoming Conduct; Violation
of Club Regulations; or Any Action Considered by the Board of Directors to be Detrimental to the Welfare of the Delton Sportsman's Club.